Friday, August 1, 2008

Weigh in day #2

Hello!! happy morning today at weight in land!! I weigh 129.4!!! yeah baby!! I'm the 120's I haven't been in a long time . It's critical diet concentration time ladies and gentlemen! I'm going to continue with the extra strict weekend! this was my perfect menu yesterday:
1 carblight wrap pizza with
extra mozzarella cheese (wanted to indulge in the morning)
Fresh tomatoes
low fat ham
olive oil
-pulled chicken with onions (I boil the chicken in water with onions salt and garlic, when its fully cooked I pull it to make string like pieces, then I sautee it on a pan with sweet onions and sprinkle any herbs or seasoning, its great for Mexican dishes)
-salad with spinach, beans, avocado, chick peas, tomatoes and celery and chives
-vinegar and lemon dressing
1 big omelet with one egg and added egg whites from carton
1 side of cottage cheese
I had no snacks because I didn't feel hungry and that ladies and gents is what I call one perfect strict diet day!
I also ran 2.2 miles and did my metabolism boosting exercise


Anonymous said...

Great job thats awesome. Good job on the perfect day.

Heather said...

congrats on getting into the 20s!