Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Lots of Crying

So everyday this week I have been crying a little before I go to sleep. I miss my boyfriend. I think even though I am very happy during the day, and happy about my weight loss. I am also happy that, him breaking up with me has been a wake up call in my life. But I don't know sometimes when I lay alone at night I get a little sad and I cry a little. Anyways yesterday he sends me a text message. First, so you understand, we where together for 3 years and had plans to get married, and he dumped me last week seemingly out of the blue over the phone without shedding one single tear. Now this is the guy who for the last 3 years of my life has been so loving and caring and amazing and, who has always told anyone who would listen how much he loved me and how perfect I am. This is the guy whom I broke up with twice over the course for those 3 years and both times he cried so much and went into a total depression telling the world that he loved me and could not live without my love. So this guy was that guy. That guy; now its been a week since our very tragic break up and he sends me a text message? Can't be bothered to pick up the phone. But worst is what the message says:
"So I guess you are fine right?"
I cannot begin to explain to you guys what I was feeling at that moment. I am devastated he was my life. We had plans, we had named our children. And I had been with him for the last 3 years against my family's wishes which is a very big deal for me. I was very brave and stood up to my parents for him.
The nerve of him sending me that message put me over the top. What is he thinking? What is wrong with him this guy is not that guy. Who is this guy? I have no Idea. I broke down in desperate tears and sent him a message back saying:
"So you think this a matter that should be treated over a text message?"
and he didn't answer so I sent another message saying
"What do you think? My heart is broken... "
again no answer. Idiot.
So last a night I cried a little more than a little bit.
But today another thing bothered me. My Dad calls me fat at least 5 times a day. I usually just ignore him but I guess I have been extra sensitive lately with oh, my boyfriend dumping me and everything. So today he calls me fat again, my mom tells him, "don't say that! She has lost like 10 pounds."He says "well she looks the same. She's fat."
Two thing bothered me here, my Mom exaggerating my weight loss and my Dad demeaning my efforts.
You know what I am 20 lbs over weight. I know it, but it really is not fair that I have to feel like I am 100 lbs over weight. I locked myself in the bathroom and cried for about an hour.
Cried for my ex boyfriend
Cried for my critical father
just cried
It felt good
Now I am ready to start a new day.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry. Sometimes we just need to cry. You know the important thing to keep in mind is the fact that you are losing weight and thats all that matters. Hang in there and keep your chin up.

Lauren said...

Thank you ;)

new*me said...

sorry to hear about your break up. Maybe something new is about to open up to you. I am sorry about your Dad's attitude. You are not fat by any means :) Smile and here's a quote to leave you with "Don't live your life, waiting out the thunderstorms, learn to dance in the rain!"

Lauren said...

What a beautiful quote. It really touched my heart right now. I know I don't weight that much but for my frame I am over weight, also I have a terrible relationship with food which I am trying to overcome to just be healthy. On top of that I have PCOS so I have to lose 20 lbs, Dr's recomendations. THank you though ;)