Monday, July 21, 2008

YO-YO life

So I didn't sleep last night again. I was too sad. But the fasting really helped me, I am glad I did it, this morning I weighed 131 lbs. Will probably go back up to 132 tomorrow though just because fast always makes you lose many ponds which you gain right back once you eat anything. Talking about fasting, I tried a juice fast like two weeks ago and I lost like 5 pounds in 4 days. But the my plan was to start diet and exercise but I failed and gained the weight right back.This year it has been like that all year, I start great, loose 5 pounds and then gain them back, over and over. I am such a cliche Yo-Yo dieter it's not even funny. Why do I keep doing this to myself. I should post pictures of me over the years. Fat, thin, fat, thin, fat, thin every year its the same since I can remember. I usually loose about 30 lbs. and gain then back up during the year. Every year and in the between of those big yo yo tragedies, like I like to call them I usually have the little 5 pound tragedies.
Well I've decided this is going to be the last year I'm going to subject my body to that It probably is terribly unhealthy not too mention all the stretch marks I already have.

My biggest problem I think is the binging. I don't know why but sometimes I just feel like I want to eat and eat and eat and literally like a vacuum cleaner and its not even the food that I enjoy as much as it is the crazy quantities that I ingest at one sitting. Why? Why does this happen I really feel sometimes i need to go to therapy of some sort for this problem. Right now it's under control though, hopefully it wont rear its ugly head soon.

Does anyone else out there feel this way?

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