Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Orgnization helps

So since this post is about not only weight loss now but also self control and order in my life I am glad to report that I have been doing very well. Every night before I go to bed I make a list of everything that must be accomplished the next day, and I can't watch soaps, TV or get bored until I finish all those things! It has really helped me feel better about myself! An organized person is a happy person, self control is so important! Some one told me once that that if you play all day play seems like work and if you work all day the you will really appreciate those moments you have to play! or something like that. That is the idea anyways I believe it also applies to weight loss if you seat around devouring everything you can think about without even giving it a second thought you are overindulging yourself so much that the most luscious chocolate cake is not as great because you have it every day!

Today has been a great day. Last night i got a little sad again but I am blessed with great girl friends who called and just chatted with me, that made me feel better. I think that after a break up the most terrible thing to overcome if the feeling of abandonment and loneliness. But I am going along pretty well, loosing weight is really giving me that extra happy juice to work with. Today I'm going to go out and walk /run for 45 min and the I'm going to do a pilates exercise video that found on youtube:

and I really need to get in some but exercises so I'm going to do this video

so hopefully I will some day look like that model ;)

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